Abbreviation |
Definition and Notes |
ACA | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act |
AFP | alpha-fetoprotein |
ALT | alanine aminotransferase |
AMP | average manufacturer price |
Anti-HCV | HCV antibody |
APRI | AST-to-platelet ratio index |
AST | aspartate aminotransferase |
AUC | area under the curve |
AWP | average wholesale pricea |
BOC | boceprevir |
CBC | complete blood count |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CEA | cost-effectiveness analysis |
CTP | Child-Turcotte-Pugh (see below) |
CYP | cytochrome P450 |
DAA | direct-acting antiviral |
eGFR | estimated glomerular filtration rate |
ESRD | end-stage renal disease |
FDA | US Food and Drug Administration |
GFR | glomerular filtration rate |
HBsAg | hepatitis B virus surface antigen |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HCC | hepatocellular carcinoma |
hepatitis C virus Hepatitis C virus and HCV refer to the virus. Hepatitis C and HCV infection or HCV disease refer to the disease entity. |
ICER | incremental cost-effectiveness ratio |
IDU | injection drug use or user |
INR | international normalized ratio |
MELD | model for end-stage liver disease |
MSM | men who have sex with men |
NASH | nonalcoholic steatohepatitis |
NAT | nucleic acid testing |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
NS3 | HCV nonstructural protein 3 |
NS5A | HCV nonstructural protein 5A |
OATP | organic anion-transporting polypeptide |
PBM | pharmacy benefit manager |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
P-gp | P-glycoprotein |
PreP | preexposure prophylaxis |
PWID | people who inject drugs |
QALY | quality-adjusted life-year |
RAS | resistance-associated substitution |
RBC | red blood cell(s) |
RBV | ribavirin |
RGT | response-guided therapy |
sAg | surface antigen |
SMV | simeprevir |
SOF | sofosbuvir |
SVR12 (or 24 or 48, etc) | sustained virologic response at 12 weeks (or at 24 weeks, or at 48 weeks, etc) |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
TVR | telaprevir |
ULN | upper limit of normal |
USPSTF | US Preventive Services Task Force |
WAC | wholesale acquisition costb |
a "List price" for wholesale pharmacies to purchase drugs b Typically, approximately 17% off of AWP |