Table 3. Commonly Used Abbreviations


Definition and Notes

ACA Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
AFP alpha-fetoprotein
ALT alanine aminotransferase
AMP average manufacturer price
Anti-HCV HCV antibody
APRI AST-to-platelet ratio index
AST aspartate aminotransferase
AUC area under the curve
AWP average wholesale pricea
BOC boceprevir
CBC complete blood count
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEA cost-effectiveness analysis
CTP Child-Turcotte-Pugh (see below)
CYP cytochrome P450
DAA direct-acting antiviral
eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate
ESRD end-stage renal disease
FDA US Food and Drug Administration
GFR glomerular filtration rate
HBsAg hepatitis B virus surface antigen
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCC hepatocellular carcinoma
HCV hepatitis C virus
Hepatitis C virus and HCV refer to the virus. Hepatitis C and HCV infection or HCV disease refer to the disease entity.
ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
IDU injection drug use or user
INR international normalized ratio
MELD model for end-stage liver disease
MSM men who have sex with men
NASH nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
NAT nucleic acid testing
NIH National Institutes of Health
NS3 HCV nonstructural protein 3 
NS5A HCV nonstructural protein 5A
OATP organic anion-transporting polypeptide
PBM pharmacy benefit manager
PCR polymerase chain reaction
P-gp P-glycoprotein
PreP preexposure prophylaxis
PWID people who inject drugs
QALY quality-adjusted life-year
RAS resistance-associated substitution
RBC red blood cell(s)
RBV ribavirin
RGT response-guided therapy
sAg surface antigen
SMV simeprevir
SOF sofosbuvir
SVR12 (or 24 or 48, etc) sustained virologic response at 12 weeks (or at 24 weeks, or at 48 weeks, etc)
TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone
TVR telaprevir
ULN upper limit of normal
USPSTF US Preventive Services Task Force
WAC wholesale acquisition costb
a "List price" for wholesale pharmacies to purchase drugs
b Typically, approximately 17% off of AWP


Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) Classification of the Severity of Cirrhosis

Total Points 5-6 7-9 10-15
Factor 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points
Total bilirubin (µmol/L) <34 34-50 >50
Serum albumin (g/L) >35 28-35 <28
Prothrombin time / international normalized ratio <1.7 1.71-2.3 >2.3
Ascites None Mild Moderate to Severe
Hepatic encephalopathy None Grade I-II (or supressed with medication) Grade III-IV (or refractory)


Last update: 
November 6, 2019