
Filters: Author is M S Sulkowski  [Clear All Filters]
Sulkowski MS, Eron JJ, Wyles DL, et al. Ombitasvir, paritaprevir co-dosed with ritonavir, dasabuvir, and ribavirin for hepatitis C in patients co-infected with HIV-1: a randomized trial. JAMA. 2015;313(12):1223-1231.
Sulkowski MS, Hézode C, Gerstoft J, et al. Efficacy and safety of 8 weeks versus 12 weeks of treatment with grazoprevir (MK-5172) and elbasvir (MK-8742) with or without ribavirin in patients with HCV GT1 mono-infection and HIV/HCV coinfection (C-WORTHY): a randomised, open-label phase 2 trial. Vierling JM, Mallolas J, Pol S, et al., eds. Lancet. 2015;285(9973):1087-1097. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61793-1.
Sulkowski MS, Sherman KE, Dieterich D, et al. Combination therapy with telaprevir for chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection in patients with HIV: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2013;159(2):86-96.
Sulkowski MS, Naggie S, Lalezari J, et al. Sofosbuvir and ribavirin for hepatitis C in patients with HIV coinfection. Fessel WJ, Mounzer K, Shuhart M, et al., eds. JAMA. 2014;312(4):353-361.
Sulkowski MS, Gardiner DF, Rodriguez-Torres M, et al. Daclatasvir plus sofosbuvir for previously treated or untreated chronic HCV infection. Reddy KR, Hassanein T, Jacobson IM, et al., eds. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(3):211-221.